Basic Info

Name: Rachel Burns
Nicknames: Rach, Ray
View: Believes in Aliens (Not the paranormal)
Height: 5'7
Eye Color: Hazel
Age: 23
Occupation: College Student
DOB: April 22nd, 1971
Nationality: Canadian

Class: Nerd
Combat Skills: Self Defense ⇢ Brawler 01



◆ Kind, Considerate, Optimistic, Practical, Sweet
◈ Forgiving, Methodic, Soft, Restrained, Patient
◇ Naïve, Impressionable, Emotional, Mildly Neurotic, Control Freak

Rachel was born to two happily wed parents in Greater Vancouver in the glorious year that the Toronto Sun began publication. Her family was upper-middle-class and as such could afford vacations every summer to the USA. As a child, her parents often took her and her older brother Steven to their second property in Southern California, where Rachel spent the summers off school surfing, camping, and enjoying the sun.As a child, Rachel had many interests. One could say that she had perhaps a little too many interests, honestly. She enjoyed outdoor activities, and went on tons of spring break camp excursions, but she also enjoyed some more static hobbies, such as reading, writing, and most notably, strangely, math.When she got into high school, her math hobby shifted to geology, which led her into a study of elements, and that rabbit hole opened her eyes to the world of physics. She skipped ahead a year in math and ended up taking AP math/calculus in grade 12, along with Physics, Chemistry, and Geology, which all packaged together into one neat niche interest - astrophysics and outer-space.It wasn't surprising when she got a scholarship to the University of BC and accepted into their Astronomy $&Astrophysics program. She did take a gap year after high school to work at her dad's exporting company and save up a bit to make school just a tad more affordable, and then she was in.Currently, Rachel is in her 4th year of the program, and they've sent her to several places through Canada and the US in the pursuit of her studies, where she even got to visit NASA in Washington DC and meet with the technicians who run the Hubble telescope last year!During her studies and learning how vast the cosmos were, Rachel began to feel rather convinced that we aren't alone in that expanse of space. The probability of life is astronomically small, however, space is astronomically large, and this put her down a bit of a side-quest from her main studies in astronomy to the subject of Alien life.She heard about Dr. Rayleigh's panel at Freak Fest, announced in a magazine she subscribed to, and when she looked into Freak Fest and saw other panels related to alien life, she was hooked.It wasn't hard for Rachel to score a ticket. The hardest part was getting there, which, she has no qualms about complaining about the cost of the damn flight and the car she had to rent to get herself out here. She was lucky that she had a friend that brought their camping gear, because otherwise, she didn't think she would've been able to make it, the accommodations at the lodge being well sold-out before she scored her ticket and coordinated the time off her program for the trip out to Vermont.


◈ She has never broken a bone in her entire life.
◈ Her hair is lighter in the summer and darker in the winter due to sun bleaching from her time spent in California each year, though it's always some shade of dirty blonde.
◈ She brings up the fact that she’s 🍁Canadian🍁 almost every chance she can get, you have been warned.
◈ She's nearsighted as all hell. She wears her contacts most of the time during the day at the fest, because she likes the way she looks with them better, but she will be spotted with her glasses during downtime a lot. She's kind of screwed without them.

SurfingDamp weather
Being activeCoffee
ResearchSpicy Food

RP Info

Name: Just call me Rini!
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 25
Timezone: PST ( GMT - 8)
RP Locations: Discord preferred - but I can also do Google Docs!
Methods: Lit & headcanons (I can do script, but it's in a very specific format. If you're interested, just ask me!

Comfort Zones/Triggers:
I’m okay with pretty much everything as long as it’s discussed before the RP! There are some things that I am okay talking about/ headcanoning but will NOT RP - such as sexual assault.
Please don’t pull out super traumatic things without talking to me first, as I have a few triggers that only come out when it’s a surprise. (I don't like to list them publicly, because they are hyper specific, and I don't want people to stress about them) As long as I know about it beforehand, I can mentally get through the block and am happy to RP!Likewise, when I'd like to bring up something potentially triggering, I will always ask if it's okay first!Shipping Preferences:
I am definitely okay with shipping! That being said, I will never have my OC act out-of-character for the sake of a ship. I like things to develop naturally, so if my OC isn't feeling the chemistry, I absolutely will not force it. I value openness and good communication with a ship partner, and would like to have a good conversation OOC if it seems like our characters are delving into shipping territory to make sure we're on the same page.
Additionally, I'm super okay with break ups, having OCs have falling outs, being rejected, heartbreak, and having OCs that have had past history but don't have anything currently.All items related to shipping I will want to discuss OOC before them occurring IC. This includes things like "making it official", important relationship milestones/next steps, and "drama" such as OCs cheating on each other / breaking up.
I know that the above is a big spiel, I just know that shipping can delve into sensitive territory, so I want it out in the open! Don't be shy to come and talk with me about any of the above, though. I love having meaningful conversations!
My feelings around it are very much the same as shipping! All items to be discussed OOC before occurring IC. But I'm open to OCs having casual flings/discussing NSFW topics, just talk to me first! Also, it should go without saying, but I will absolutely not talk about anything NSFW related with minors, or OCs that are minors.
I will not RP/ Take part in the following:
Incest | Active Discrimination | Deep Religion | Eating Disorders | Body Shaming | Pedophilia / Child Abuse | Animal Cruelty